Breeding, Recruiting and Forging Fees

When players engage in certain in-game activities, the materials used in the process are removed from the game economy in the following ways: Westia Arch Magic Stone (WAMS) used in the process is burnt and taken out of circulation. More information about the cost of WAMS can be found on the Breeding and Recruiting page. Chronicum (CHRO) used in the process is sent to the WyndBlast Community Treasury, which will eventually be governed by CHRO stakers once the stakeholders are sufficiently decentralized.

The Community Treasury receives a portion of staking rewards, as well as revenues generated by WyndBlast. It also receives a percentage of all Wyndblast NFT transactions as a royalty, with 1.5% going to marketing and operations and 2% going to the treasury. The Community Treasury also receives a portion of the fees for breeding, recruiting, and forging.