Game Economy

WyndBlast was created with the goal of building a fun and exciting universe that benefits everyone involved, including players, investors, and developers. The game is designed to align incentives for players and reward investors who hold onto their tokens, with a focus on decentralizing the ownership and governance of WyndBlast. In order to incentivize players for their time and effort, WyndBlast has a real token economy that is 100% owned by players. This means that the growth of individual players within the ecosystem is the main driving force behind the economy. Rather than selling game items or copies, the developers monetize through their ownership of $CHRO tokens.

Players can breed new Wynds, train new Riders, and forge new weapons using in-game resources and native tokens ($CHRO), which can then be sold to other players through a dedicated marketplace. The community treasury fund collects the marketplace transaction fees and manages the economic interactions of native tokens, with the usage of these tokens being decided by token holders. The economy of the game is governed by natural economic principles, with an optimal rate of inflation needed for growth.

During the initial stages, the WyndBlast economy will depend on new players entering the ecosystem, but new features will be introduced over time to promote long-term sustainability and reduce the reliance on new entrants.